• Lagos, Nigeria: +234 706 858 9856, +234 813 875 9458
    Lome, Togo: +228 983 08822, +228 939 00447

  • admin@marineprofessionalsnig.com

Our Services

  • The safety and reliability of a Ship depends strongly on the performance of its machinery and the efficiency of its crew. Early detection of faults is of crucial importance during the operation of a ship.

    Marine engines like Diesel Engines, Diesel Electric and Turbines are renowned for being reliable and efficient. They are designed to propel most large marine vessels around the world because of their ruggedness and dependability.  Faults are bound to occur during normal operation of the vessel.

    These faults usually come at a great cost, especially if they go undetected and the ship can be left stranded out at sea, usually while it is several miles away from the nearest available Port.

    Seafarers are entrusted by investors, shipowners and stakeholders to ensure that the vessels can run fault-free for a long period of time, however, what we see frequently around the world are poorly maintained vessels with frequent downtime and failure of machinery during critical operations which usually can lead to expensive downtime.

    Incidents related to such a downtime can be prevented. Therefore, Marine Professionals Limited has created a Professional Enhancement Program (PEP) dedicated to training seafaring Engineers and Deck Officers to increase their efficiency, minimize downtime, and give owners/ Charterers improved performance.

    Shipowners or management companies are encouraged to send their crew for the training.

    At the end of this training, Participants will be able to:-

    Understand the concept of early Mechanical and Electrical Fault detection.

    Have knowledge of the various ways/methods of Machinery Fault Diagnosis.

    Learn proactive approach to fault finding.

    Learn systematic approach to fault correction.

    Managing fault to prevent downtime, off-hire and record-able incidents.        

    Available programs as follows

    PEP -1: Fault Diagnosis- Proactive approach to fault finding on Ships

    PEP-2: Instrumentation- Maximizing the use of Instrumentation

    Benefits include bespoke training for individual crew.

    To Register, send an email to admin@marineprofessionalsnig.com       

    For further enquiries: call or Text +234 706 858 9856, +1 430 558 3996                                                                                                           

    • Condition survey
    • Pre-purchase Survey
    • Pre-charter Preparation for oil and gas Companies Classification Society and SIRE inspection preparation.

    Independent Marine Accident investigation

    independent Marine Claims estimation and verification

    Independent Compliance and Safety Audit.

  • - Quality and quantity inspection
    - Ship to Ship Transfer
    - Dangerous Cargo Handling, including, Methanol, LPG, LNG and Crude Oil
